Every time a new spot appears – uninvited may I add – on my face, I can guess with about 99.9% accuracy what caused it. That big, painful, under-the-skin one on my chin? Time of the month. The angry ones around my mouth? Maskne, ugh, 2020.
Diet is another big one (don’t worry, we’re not about to go all ‘you are what you eat’ on you). Eating too much red meat, refined sugar and saturated fats, or drinking too much alcohol are all classic culprits. Obviously, we’re not going to tell you to cut out chocolate or wine (we’re not that cruel) – instead, we’ve listed the good stuff that actually helps on our pursuit for clear, dewy skin.
WRITTEN BY Beth Ludolf
1 Ginger
Ginger is a great natural anti-ager, it slows the break down of collagen and improves skin elasticity. It’s packed full of antioxidants that prevent damage from free radicals (like pollution and radiation) and can help to fade acne scars. Ginger increases blood circulation too, resulting in quicker cell turnover, a brighter complexion and faster hair growth. Try a ginger shot, add a couple of slices to fresh ginger to your morning smoothie or green tea, or dab fresh ginger on skin that needs a boost.
2 Salmon
Salmon has tonnes of health benefits, from lowering the risk of heart disease to anti-ageing. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids that increase collagen production (read: preventing fine lines and wrinkles). Omega-3s are also good news for sufferers of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis because they strengthen the skin’s barrier and help to lock in moisture. Plus, they’re anti-inflammatory so they fight redness and irritation too.
3 Avocado
Avocado is another good one for dry skin because it’s packed with healthy oils that hydrate the skin and boost immunity against the effects of stress. They are full of vitamins – vitamin E nourishes and reduces UV damage while vitamin C brightens dark spots and neutralizes free radicals. Avocados also contain lutein which can even help to protect against blue light (from digital screens). Maybe that’s why we have to pay extra for guacamole.
4 Eggs
Eggs are a great rejuvenator for the skin. They’re full of protein and amino acids – the body uses these when it produces new proteins (like collagen, elastin and melanin) within our skin, keeping skin looking youthful and bright. The high iron and vitamin D content increases oxygen circulation and cell turnover, preventing dullness.
5 Whole grains
That’s things like wholewheat pasta, brown bread, quinoa and brown rice. They get a bad rap but these whole grains don’t cause a spike in blood sugar like other carbs (white bread, we’re looking at you). That means they’re much less likely to cause breakouts and irritation. They also aid digestion because of their high fibre content which has been known to improve conditions such as eczema and rosacea and helps rid the body of toxins.
6 Sweet potatoes
Again, not all carbs are made equal when it comes to our skin. Sweet potatoes (as well as being flipping delicious) are rich in vitamins. They have high levels of beta-carotene which, once ingested, is converted into an active form of vitamin A. Yep, the same vitamin A that’s a godsend when it comes to treating acne. It’s known to reduce oil production and aid healthy skin cell reproduction.